Saturday, July 12, 2014

Republican Group Shrugs Off Hazing of Latest Tech Effort: .GOP

It's become a political rite of passage: When a political party unveils a new tech-related initiative, detractors on the opposite side of the aisle inevitably pounce with parody sites and social-media lampoons. The latest hazing victim was the Republican party, after the launch of the new .gop domain.

In a novel approach to spurring adoption of centralized-digital platforms among like-minded campaigns and organizations, the Republican State Leadership Committee is the official registry for the .gop domain. What that means in practice is that the RSLC, which works to elect Republican candidates running for statewide legislative offices, is selling domain names that feature the .gop suffix. They cost $20.16 each, a nod to the next presidential election year.

Needless to say some Democrats and liberals decided it was a good opportunity to mock the Republican party's digital evangelists again. On Tuesday, a handful of people searched the system for goof-domain names, some more juvenile than others:,, and among them. The afternoon dalliance was chronicled in a Gawker story the same day.

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Republican Group Shrugs Off Hazing of Latest Tech Effort: .GOP

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