Sunday, June 14, 2009

Honesty.... as in Billy Joel

Hey guyz...

Hope ya all are doin' fine...!
Well, i am doing great and have been using my spare time to learn internet marketing and SEO.
One after another, the research has been quite heavy...!

Lovely niche to work on and i have already began....
There is one part though, i do not like...
After gettin' here i see that there is no honesty left in the big bad world..
as Billy says.. "Honesty, is such a lonely word..."
That's what it remains.. a lonely and lovely word and nothing more..!
Well... internet marketing probably has the highest percentage of liars and cheats.. "and everyone is so untrue"..!

It seems that black hat SEO is more prevalent than Whitehat..!
Well.. good luck to those #$%#'s..!

I am Whitehat and will always be so.. since "Honesty is the best Policy"
Thank god, it is still giving out results for me.. and i am sure it will...
I have actually optimized a website quite well for a beginner..!

Pat me on the back guys...!
I need it.. believe me..!

C ya later, time fo' dinner..!