Friday, October 17, 2014

ICYMI: From Killer Clowns to Snoop Dogg

Social media moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.  In order to help you keep up, the team here at SME Digital has distilled the biggest stories of the past week into one easy to digest chunk.

Wasco ClownLike a page ripped out of a Stephen King novel, maniacal clowns have been spotted roaming the streets of a California town. While the viral spread of killer clown sightings is awesome, knowing that it was just a photography project makes it a little less fun.

In a blatant case of age discrimination, Facebook has forced centenarian Anna Stoehr to lie about her age. The spry, 113-year-old technophile had to fudge her birthdate to make herself 99-years-old in order to by-pass Facebook’s age requirements. It looks like Facebook may be missing out on lucrative advertising streams targeted to folks over 100.

For their latest social media crisis, Burger King has angered the Twitter gods by ripping off Funny or Die’s Billy on the Street routine. Billy Eichner’s unfunny doppelganger is their worst imitation since their attempt to knock off McNuggets.

Internet addiction is no longer limited to online erotic aficionados as a Google Glass user is being treated for withdrawal from the device. Experts predict to see various 12 step programs and support groups in the near future to help Glassheads kick the habit.

Despite being quarantined, Ebola patient Nina Pham’s dog Bentley has managed to cause quite a stir this week. Hundreds of duped Twitter users favorited and retweeted fake provocative bath time pictures of the potentially contagious canine. Singer Taylor Swift, who is no stranger to fake nude photos, has alleged reached out to the pup to offer her sympathy.

An online culture war is brewing between geeky gamer dudes and women who want to be represented fairly in video games. #GamerGate has claimed another victim when a video game culture lecture by Anita Sarkeesian was cancelled after the media critic received death threats. It seems counterintuitive that these gamers who sit alone at home on Friday nights are upset that girls actually want to play with them.

Finally, the internet was buzzing early this week with a supposed feud between Snoop Dogg and Iggy Azalea after the D-O-double G posted a photo that he claimed was Azalea with no makeup. Urban Legend T.I. stepped in to urge Snoop to squash the beef, which leaves us all wondering “just what does Iggy Azalea look like with no makeup”?

Iggy No Makeup

ICYMI: From Killer Clowns to Snoop Dogg

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