Friday, May 16, 2014

If it’s Thursday, it must be fashion – Pinterest catalogs content by the day of the week

Pinterest WeekIt’s Thursday so the fashion Pins are going wild on Pinterest. Why? Who knows! But Pinterest says it’s true. They sifted through mountains and mountains of data and came up with a list of the most popular categories based on the day of the week.

I’m going to share this information with you mainly because we (human beings) love to find patterns in data. There’s something reassuring about patterns – it makes us feel like we’re in control of what’s happening. We’re not. But if it makes you feel better, here’s what you should be posting on each day of the week.

Monday: the week starts with good intentions in fitness

This makes sense. People party and overeat all weekend, then on Monday they have to put on their business clothes and wow. . . a little tight. . .better start thinking about getting in shape. The percentage of people who actual follow through on those fitness pins? I’m guessing 2% or less.

Tuesday: next up, gadgets are all the rage in technology

Tuesday is the day all the new DVDs come out, (why is that?) so maybe that spurs people to look for new tech? Or maybe by Tuesday we’re already feeling overwhelmed and think that new tech could solve all out problems.

Wednesday: need a little something to get through the week —- inspirational quotes

This also makes sense. That hump day is rough for everyone but the GEICO camel, so we turn to Pinterest for a quote that will get us through.

Thursday: threads lead Thursday with fashion

By Thursday, we’re already thinking about the weekend. . . and shopping. . . and going out, so that leads us to fashion! I’d bet that the most popular pins are aspirational – like the fitness pins – clothes we’d like to own but can’t because they wouldn’t fit, are too expensive or just aren’t available. Pinterest is all about the wish list.

Friday: GIFs bring some comic relief to the end of the week with humor

Now we’re at the breaking point so we not only need a laugh, we need a time waster. No one is actually working on a Friday afternoon. We’re shopping on eBay or watching Netflix or looking for funny memes to share via Pinterest. Humor is also the fastest growing category on Pinterest.

Saturday: summer vacations are top of mind with travel

The work week is done and it’s time to get up and go – at least virtually. Travel may be a big topic on Pinterest, but again I’d bet it’s more wishlist that real. I’ll never go to Ireland, but it’s fun to build a Pinterest board devoted to the sites I’d see if I did go.

Sunday: the week closes with food and craft ideas

Sunday is all about home and family. We feel domestic on Sunday, thus we all channel our inner Martha Stewart and search for food and crafts.

There is a certain amount of logic behind each of these data points, but  let’s get real, it doesn’t matter if you post cakes on fitness Monday or motorcycles on fashion Thursday. This is especially true if you’re not in the cake or motorcycle business. Just putting up what’s popular doesn’t automatically make you popular.

The only thing that matters is that you post consistent, eye-catching images with good keywords and a properly filled-in description box. That’s how you succeed on Pinterest.

If it’s Thursday, it must be fashion – Pinterest catalogs content by the day of the week

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