Thursday, May 15, 2014

10 Ways to Optimize Your Emails for Better Engagement [Infographic]

email-marketing-(blog)Despite a few years of "email is dead" chatter, I don't think many would argue that email marketing remains at the forefront of many people's digital marketing strategies.

In fact, according to Sikich, 70% of digital marketers see email as the top medium for ROI and 62% of B2B marketers plan to continue to increase spending for email marketing.

But is email actually, still, one of the most effective ways to reach consumers, or has it become yet another over-saturated and over-used channel? Furthermore, considering that marketers sent 838 billion emails in 2013, how can you ensure that people are actually opening and interacting with your emails?

Well, this Sikich infographic addresses the effectiveness of email marketing in today’s digital world, as well as 10 tips to help you break through the clutter.


Some Data to Take With You ...

  1. Consumers who receive email marketing spend 83% more when shopping (Tweet This Stat)

  2. Email ROI = $44.25 for every dollar spent (Tweet This Stat)

  3. Email can be up to 20x more effective than other marketing outlets (Tweet This Stat)

  4. 64% of people say they open an email because of the subject line (Tweet This Stat)

  5. 69% of subscribers cite “too many” emails as the number one reason they unsubscribe from email (Tweet This Stat)

  6. Personalized emails improve clickthrough rates by 14% and conversion rates by 10% (Tweet This Stat)

  7. 38% of emails are opened on a mobile device and 78% of U.S. email users will access their emails via mobile by 2017 (Tweet This Stat)

  8. Emails with social sharing buttons have a 115% higher clickthrough rate than those without (Tweet This Stat)

Did any of the stats in this infographic surprise you?

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10 Ways to Optimize Your Emails for Better Engagement [Infographic]

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