Friday, October 31, 2014

Your Ad Ran Here (Not Really), which has received multiple copyright infringement allegations, seems like the kind of site major advertisers would typically avoid. But ads for blue chip brands including T-Mobile, AnheuserBusch and BMW were spotted running on it earlier this week.

If it seems odd these brands would appear on such a website, it is. Even stranger: The site they thought their ads were running on was, a completely different website with no copyright issues.

Websites listing themselves under another site's name are a common occurrence in automated ad-buying marketplaces. The practice, called "URL masking," is often used to trick unknowing advertisers into running ads on sites with illicit or stolen content, which tend to generate lots of traffic but little willing ad revenue. URL masking is also used to trick buyers into thinking they're buying premium inventory when they are instead getting low quality placements.

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Your Ad Ran Here (Not Really)

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