Friday, April 4, 2014

Want to Squeeze More Conversions Out of Your Landing Pages? Read This

landing_page_resourcesLet me guess ... your boss wants you to get even more leads this month than last. Maybe you've got some big initiative planned with lots of moving pieces and a ton of team support. Maybe it's just you trying to keep your head above water and squeeze out some extra leads.

Regardless, you should know that you don't always have to take on huge campaigns to move the needle -- sometimes little changes can make a big difference, especially on your landing pages. That's the closest point to conversion, after all. 

But even focusing on landing pages alone to increase lead gen can feel daunting. Do you start by testing the headline? The button copy? Or just completely overhaul the page design?

Wherever you decide to start all depends on your team and company goals -- but having landing page optimization resources in your back pocket never hurt. To arm you with the information, data, and examples you need to make better decisions, we pulled together our eight best landing page optimization resouces in one post. Read on to get them, and don't forget to bookmark your favorites for later. 

1) Know what you can -- and should -- be optimizing. 

If you're really lost when it comes to landing page optimization, the ebook on How to Optimize Landing Pages for Conversions will be your best friend. Learn which elements of your landing page probably need an overhaul, which need little tweaks, and which should stay untouched -- and best of all, figure out how you measure the effect of these changes. It's a great crash-course into landing page optimization. 


2) Figure out which tests you're going to run. 

Let's say you're up to speed with the latest in landing page optimization. You know what general concepts you should be testing and how to test them ... but you're looking for specific test ideas you can run without investing a ton of time or money into it. Look no further than this blog post on little landing page experiements. Identify which part of your page is the weakest, and use these ideas to tweak it.


3) Integrate key design principles into your landing page design. 

Even if you're not a designer by trade, you should know certain layouts can make people want to fill out a form ... or bounce to another website. By playing on certain psychological principles in your design, you increase the probability that people'll convert.

Didn't get to take psych in college or need a refresher in the basics? Get a crash course in conversion-centered design in this ebook


4) Optimize your form length to your landing page goal. 

Ahh, one of the most controversial debates in landing page optimization: how long your forms should be. There's no one right answer -- it all depends on what your goals are and what kind of content you're giving up after people fill out the form. If you're struggling to decide on your site's form length, check out this blog post. We'll walk you through the debate and help you figure out which side you should be on to benefit your business' bottom line. 


5) Pack your prose with an extra punch. 

Like form legnth, landing page copy length shouldn't always be one set length to be successful -- it's all about how compelling your copy is and how much copy your visitors need to convince them to convert. That being said, there are some writing best practices for creating conversion-inducing copy. Here's a 7-point checklist you can use to help you evaluate your landing page copy and make changes as needed.


6) Get rid of all distractions -- including your website's top navigation bar.

Distraction sounds like some large, glaring issues on your page, but even things as small and simple as your website's top navigation bar can shift the focus of your page from only converting on a form to clicking on your site's 'About' page, or maybe flitting over to your brand's Twitter account, or maybe even clicking off your page altogether. Not convinced quite yet? Here's some data to prove it.

Bonus: If you're convinced by the end of that blog post, there's instructions on how to remove your site's navigation, too. 


7) Don't forget to delight mobile viewers. 

Not all website visitors should be treated the same -- what looks great on desktop could absolutely tank on mobile. Don't forget about your mobile visitors and make sure you're testing out content for all devices. Ask yourself, is it easy to read, click, and navigate? If not, you may need to rethink your mobile landing page content. Here's a quick tutorial on testing out mobile-only content. For the marketer who's really trying to solve for their website visitors' needs, this tweak will be crucial. 


8) Use smart content to engage existing leads. 

Just because someone's already a lead in your database doesn't mean they can't help you get more leads. By using smart content, you can surface a form to your visitors and another type of registration button to your existing leads. For example, you could ask your existing leads to "pay with a tweet" to get the content -- and their tweet can help bring in even more new visitors.

If you're interested in learning how to set a "pay with a tweet" button up, here's a quick tutorial. That being said, you don't have to use "pay with a tweet" -- any smart content tailored to your existing leads to promote social sharing could help you easily scale your list growth.


What other resources do you use to help you tweak your landing pages? Share your favorites with us in the comments. 

optimizing landing pages ebook

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Want to Squeeze More Conversions Out of Your Landing Pages? Read This

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