Monday, May 5, 2014

Have We Reached Peak Star Wars Day?


There's a date in May that quickens the pulse of every true Star Wars fan. The very mention of the date recalls the excitement and unexpected joy of the franchise's 1977 beginnings; the moment an independent filmmaker confounded expectations with a movie that only 40 theater owners had shown any initial interest in screening. It was a day that shocked the world, and changed everything about the way we entertain ourselves.

I speak, of course, of May 25, Star Wars' birthday

As for May the 4th? The day was a small underground event for fans, an excuse to get together and watch the movies — until 2013, when Lucasfilm and its new owners, Disney, officially embraced it. That made for a fun day of creative celebration. (Mashable got in on the act last year, along with and Lucasfilm, by holding a special screening for any Star Wars newbies we could find.) Read more...

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Have We Reached Peak Star Wars Day?

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