Saturday, May 10, 2014

Swarm, Foursquare’s spinoff coming next week, is watering down the mayorship feature


Mayorships, the feature that added some challenging fun to Foursquare, is leaving. Don’t worry, it’ll be heading to their new Swarm service! On Friday, Foursquare froze each and every current mayor in place for an unspecified amount of time. But when the feature does move over to Swarm, it will not be the same.

The mayorship feature on Swarm will only be amongst friends. This means that if your group of friends frequently goes to the local bar, not everyone else there is jockeying to be mayor. Instead, only you and your friends are in competition with one another. The windows remains at 60 days, though.

Swarm will be launching next week and Foursquare hints that there are some hidden goodies inside that users must find.

Source: The Foursquare Blog

Via: Engadget

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Swarm, Foursquare’s spinoff coming next week, is watering down the mayorship feature

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