Friday, June 20, 2014

Google’s latest initiative “Made with Code” aimed at inspiring future female programmers


Google’s latest project, Made With Code, is an initiative launched by the tech giant in order to inspire young girls to take up programming as either a career or a hobby. The brainchild of YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, the program is aiming to first and foremost get girls excited about technology in the hopes it will lead to a stronger interest overall.

When we think of programmers, we often picture males, not females. This is because less than one percent of female high school girls are interested in majoring in computer science when they move on to college. This is likely due to the vast social stigma that surrounds the technology industry with the term “computer geek” always referring to a male.

Google has teamed up with Chelsea Clinton, Girls Inc., Girl Scouts of the USA, Mindy Kaling, MIT Media Lab, National Center for Women & Information Technology, SevenTeen, TechCrunch and more in order to help bring this program to as many girls as possible. On top of these high profile people and organizations, Google has teamed up with Codecademy and Khan Academy in order to reward teachers who encourage their students to take computer courses on these websites.

Click here to view the embedded video.

Google is using visual methods of coding like Blockly to make it easy and fun for girls to be introduced to coding. They are also encouraging projects that younger girls will actually be interested in such as designing 3D-printed bracelets.

Google has already posted a series of videos that outline successful females in the computer science field. This will undoubtedly open the eyes of younger girls who are looking for role models when trying to tackle this sort of career.

source: Google

via: Engadget

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Google’s latest initiative “Made with Code” aimed at inspiring future female programmers

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