Friday, May 30, 2014

So you think you know social sharing . . .think again [Infographic]

Most content sharing occurs via social networks like Facebook and Twitter. We all know that, right. . . . ? RadiumOne says, “wrong”. They have a new infographic called “Six Myths of Social Sharing” and I have to admit, even I believe a few of the myths on the list.

For example, “most content sharing occurs via social networks”.  Here are the real facts according to RadiumOne:

RadiumOne Myths 1

Copy and paste? That blows my mind. An enormous amount of internet content comes with built in social or email sharing buttons but folks are still using Ctrl+C to share! Since the majority of these shares are coming from IOS devices, I think there’s more to this than meets the eye. (Excuse me Transformers for borrowing your slogan.) I’m thinking about how I might share a photo on Instagram. I find it on the internet. Save it to my photos then reupload through Instagram. Does that count as copy and paste?

Maybe these actions are happening because of messenger apps. I’m texting with you and I want you to see this crazy quote from my favorite TV star so I cut it from the web and past it in the text message box.

No matter how you figure it, it’s a low blow for Facebook and Twitter.

Myth 2: Content sharing and brand engagement peaks over the weekend when Internet users have more free time

Fact: People engage with content 49% more on weekdays; sports content is clicked on 4x more on Mondays/Tuesdays; consumers are 10x more likely to click on food related content on Thursdays versus Saturdays

RadiumOne MythsI see this all the time. We got it into our heads that people are relaxing on the weekend so they’re engaged and sharing. But think about how you spend your weekends. You’re running errands, hanging with the family, involved in outdoor activities. . . you’re spending less time on the internet, not more. And when you do pull out the mobile device, it’s for a quick informational hit. Directions to a store. Recipe for a BBQ dish while you’re at the grocery store. Resale value of an item while you’re thrift shopping. (That’s me!) I want information and out. I’m not taking time to share that recipe with my friends.

Myth 3: Digital consumers click on social links at an equal rate regardless of the type of URL shared.

This one hurts. The truth is, vanity shortened URLs get 25% more clicks than full links or links from the common shorteners. The one reason I dislike shortened links is because it masks the origin of the link. I think people are more likely to click when the know where it will lead them. The reason they don’t click on long links is probably because they usually appear broken. They work but you don’t know that until you click.

Big takeaway here – if you have the option of creating a vanity URL for your site – do it.

For the rest of the myths, click the image to see the full infographic from RadiumOne.

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So you think you know social sharing . . .think again [Infographic]

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