Wednesday, August 27, 2014

This Escape Pack Helps You Rappel Down a Burning Building



With the help of a new product from Israeli-based SkySaver, emergency evacuees can rappel down tall buildings just like daredevils and stuntmen

The device, also called SkySaver, is worn like a backpack during emergencies, such as a fire. It is strapped on with buckles that wrap around the waist and between the legs. During an emergency, the user attaches the pack to a secure pre-installed anchor and rappels down the side of the building.

The SkySaver cable comes with either a 160-foot cable or a 260-foot cable

Man wearing SkySaver

There are a few drawbacks, however. Children under 12 and people that use wheelchairs or similar devices can’t wear the device. Users must also weigh between 66 pounds and 290 pounds. Read more…

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