Saturday, June 21, 2014

Friday Round-up: Snappy TV, Pinterest Photo Tuts and Facebook ‘Ads’ Value

Let’s close out the week with a look a few smaller stories that caught my eye this week.

Twitter Gets Snappy


Twitter bought SnappyTV to strengthen their position as the social media channel for network TV advertising. SnappyTV is a suite of tools that helps you create instant, shareable highlights from live TV. It can be used to create clips, GIFs (ugh) or image stills so you can share the best moments just minutes after they happen. They emphasis live TV like sports and award shows but the example shows how the CW uses it to grab hold of those Vampire Diaries fans.

It’s a perfect fit for Twitter. We’ve seen campaigns like these during major events like the Super Bowl and the Olympics, now, with SnappyTV, we should see even more!

Picture Perfect on Pinterest

If you’re interesting in taking your Pinterest account to the next level, check out these two posts on their company blogs.

Pin Picks: how to snap your perfect photograph” is a collection of links to some of the best photography pins by subject on the site. They also show you how to use Guided Search to find a tutorial that suits your business. Since it’s a collection of pins, you’ll have to click through several times to get to the meat of each article, but even a quick skim of the images should give you some good ideas.

Spotlight: How Tea Collection uses Pinterest to inspire parents” is a visual case study featuring a San Francisco-based children’s clothing company. They have more than 14,000 followers so they’re doing something right. Nothing earth-shattering here but its a good primer if you’re just getting started.

Facebook ‘Ads’ Value

Earlier this week, Facebook announced a redesign of the right sidebar to make it more user friendly and engaging. Today, they revealed the new look for the sidebar ads. They say that these new ads performed very well in early tests and I believe it. They’re clean, bold and the images are much more prominent. Everything you want in an ad. There is a downside. . .

Facebook new sidebar ads

Because the ads are larger, there’s less room which means fewer ads and more competition for ad space.

This means that some advertisers may see increased prices at auction. We recognize that this may be an unwelcome development for some businesses, particularly those that count raw impressions as an overall indicator of success for their campaigns. However, it is our belief that the overall value delivered through this more engaging ad format will offset any potential decreases in impressions.

Facebook says this is the first step in an ongoing process to make Facebook “equally valuable for people and advertisers.” And they admit, they still have a long way to go.

An increase in pricing is never a good thing but paying for ads that don’t convert is worse, so I believe Facebook is indeed headed in the right direction.



Friday Round-up: Snappy TV, Pinterest Photo Tuts and Facebook ‘Ads’ Value

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