Friday, April 11, 2014

Language Localization Drives Higher Mobile Ad Engagement

Language Localization Drives Higher Mobile Ad Engagement Language Localization Drives Higher Mobile Ad EngagementThe following is a guest contributed post from Jud Bowman, Founder and CEO of Appia.

Language localization is a key performance differentiator for mobile marketers that has proven to drive increased click-through rates and conversions. As marketers continue to find new ways to be competitive in the space, the need for language-related services is increasing, especially with smartphone usage skyrocketing worldwide.

Let’s explore the strategy, tactics and results from a recent language localization testing wave – and how the findings provide insight to the broader mobile advertising landscape.

Test Overview:

Appia conducted a test across its ad network in three key markets across the globe, focused on returning localized ads based on the mobile device’s language. The objective was to show the value of performance-based mobile marketing, how to incorporate localized ads, and the value of creative optimization within overall mobile marketing strategies.

Test Field & Execution:

The top five performing (English language) campaigns from within Appia’s ad network were identified and leveraged for localization testing within three key markets: Spain, France and Germany. For each campaign, the short descriptions (the copy within the advertisements) were translated into Spanish, French and German.

The translated campaigns were then distributed through Appia’s mobile ad network based on the mobile devices’ programmed languages. The English campaigns ran simultaneously, with traffic being served evenly based upon real time visits to a mobile app or website.

Test Results:

Eighty-six percent of the localized campaign creatives out-performed the English versions in both click-through rates (CTR) and conversion rates.

The English creative had an average CTR of 2.35% and a conversion rate of 7.47%. The localized versions saw click-through rates of 3.34% – an increase of 42%, and 9.08% conversion rates – a 22% lift over the English creative. The increases seen can be directly correlated with the use of localized creative in the mobile ads.

The results show that localized campaigns will outperform English creative in global markets. Returning ads in a device’s language of choice will create higher engagement and enhance user experience, leading to increased click-through rates and ultimately, higher conversion rates. Incorporating localized creative is a must for performance-based mobile marketers.

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Language Localization Drives Higher Mobile Ad Engagement

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