Thursday, March 20, 2014

Blame Technology for Your Failed Relationships

business meeting distraction.jpg.jpgBack in 1975, singer-songwriter Paul Simon told us there must be 50 ways to leave your lover. But that was before we all had perpetual connectivity to every person, place and thing we ever knew or imagined through smartphones, tablets and other assorted Internet-connected devices.

Now there are plenty of new ways to leave your lover, as well as your friends, relatives, co-workers, customers and business associates. Just take a phone call in the middle of a meeting, text a friend during an intimate dinner or update your social media profile in the middle of a customer service interaction.

These random Electronic Displays of Insensitivity (EDIs) take a big toll on relationships, said David Maxfield, co-author of new research on Digital Divisiveness. "Maybe it’s time to change our behavior," he said.

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Blame Technology for Your Failed Relationships

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